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Adverb position

Adverbs in English can appear in three positions, as CleverCookie has said: mid position, end position and front position:

Mid Position

End position

Adverbs of frequency:

He often reads books.


I’m always ready.


You could never guess.

Adverbs of manner:

Adverbs of place:

Adverbs of definite time:


She took it carefully.


They lived here.


You can come today.

Front position seems to be more complicated. It can be said that sometimes some adverbs appear in front position for emphasis:

Adverbs of place:

Adverbs of definite time:

Adverbs of frequency:

Here I come.


Today, you can come (note the comma to indicate extrapolation).


Often he reads books.

But remember never, always and ever tend to stick to mid-position.

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Adverbs grammar

Mid position also can pose some doubts, as what is exactly the mid position of the sentence? The verb decides the place:

Adverbs are placed before a lexical verb:

Adverbs are placed after an modal or auxiliary verb:

He often reads books.


I'm always ready.

You could never guess.

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